Global Register of Publishers

Do you want to find the address and contact details of a particular publisher? You can now search for details of publishers from all over the world using the International ISBN Agency’s own Global Register of Publishers.

The Global Register includes all the data submitted by national ISBN agencies about publishers in their respective countries and territories. As well as listing publishers who have received their own “block” assignment of ISBNs, the Global Register will also include occasional and author-publishers who may have been assigned just one or two ISBNs (as long as this data has been provided by the national ISBN Agency).

Anyone can carry out simple searches on the data and the register will display basic information about the publisher. For more advanced search facilities and full contact details of publishers you will need to register, but this is a very quick, easy and free process.

The Global Register contains data on over a million ISBN prefixes and publishers. It is compiled and revised at least annually.

For more information about the Register, click here.