
The International ISBN Agency would like to thank its partners for their collaboration and hard work in the production and maintenance of its web portal and data management services. Our current systems developers are De-Parcon, who were appointed in 2020 and, in cooperation with their partner MINDSTEP, have been instrumental in the modernisation and systems upgrade work undertaken in 2020 and 2021. The original design and development of this website was undertaken by the previous vendors, CINECA. We are grateful to both companies.

About De-Parcon
De-Parcon is a software solutions company based in Hürth, Germany. It provides database-supported software applications for the media and music industries. In particular, De-Parcon has considerable experience and expertise in providing solutions for organisations involved in international standards, for example, the IDNV International database for sheet music and systems it has developed for the International ISMN Agency.

CINECA is a non-profit Consortium of Italian universities and associated Institutions. It operates in the technological transfer sector and focusses on high performance scientific computing.